This Guarantees You’ll Smile in One Year Stretching before you, further than the eye can see, lays a New Year–365 Days, 8,760 hours, 525,600 minutes, 31,536, 000 seconds. Over that time,..
Thanksgiving Day I’m sometimes like a cat living in a palace. Surrounded by beauty it gazes at the bird sitting on a branch outside the window. It places a padded..
Where’s God in this Election Mess? None of us have lived through a presidential election like this one. Ferocious battle lines separate two armies. Fists are raised and cries of..
America Burns, What Now? We are living in a massive cultural and political revolution raging across the United States. Anarchy reigns in numerous cities. Peaceful and..
A Tribute to George A friend sent me this. He’s one of my closest friends, an African American. This man is my brother. I’m touched. I hope you are too.Thank you,..
Breathe the Breath of God this Christmas “And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn”..
The “Suddenly” of Christmas Suddenly: immediately, instantly, straight away, all at once, abruptly, swiftly. We’ve all had a “suddenly” experience. Haven’t we? The gust..
God Spared My Son After two hours of sleep Cindy, David–our middle son–and I caught an Alaska Airlines flight from Portland to Oakland. After landing we picked up a..
Does God Arrange Your Schedule? God arranged Jesus’ schedule so he could fulfill his mission: “To seek and save the Lost” (Luke 19:10). And he does the same for us. Here’s how it..
Will The World End This Saturday? David Meade, a self-proclaimed “researcher,” is predicting that a series of apocalyptic events will begin this Saturday, September 23rd, and, “a..