A Spiritual Experiment I got the idea for The Jesus Experiment several years ago while writing a book based on the leadership style of Jesus. After completing the..
God is approachable I’ve been reading through the Bible and realize anew why so many people think God is as unapproachable as King Kong. Just check out the story of..
The Value of Solitude As the October release of my new book, The Jesus Experiment, draws near I want to give you a sneak peek. (more…)
How To Build Momentum If you’re trying to bring a vision into reality the first part is the hardest. Why? Because you’ve got to overcome inertia in order to build..
Do This to Save Your Marriage I’m not sure what’s going on but lately it seems more of my friends are either getting a divorce or thinking about it. I realize there is no single..
The Day I Learned to Fear God The Northwest boasts some of the most beautiful country in the world. Primeval forests form a soaring cathedral over the hills. Sheer cliffs stand..
Why me? Why now? Why this? Why? It’s the question that hits first and lingers longest. Why me? Why now? Why this? Most people don’t even try to answer such questions. How..
Is Following Jesus as Impossible as Following Superman? Imitating Jesus in prayer might sound as impossible as emulating Superman’s flying capabilities. We might shadow Clark Kent up a flight of stairs,..
A Review of Rob Bell’s Book: Love Wins Rob Bell’s bestselling book, Love Wins has stirred up a hornet’s nest of controversy. He’s done this by asking questions in ways that cut deep,..
Do Cows Cause Global Warming? I know this will come as a shock to you but a United Nations report has identified the world’s rapidly growing herds of cattle as the greatest..