What if it doesn’t work? It’s easy to read the Gospels and conclude we should only follow Jesus when he teaches and disciples. Not when he heals and casts out demons...
Believing an unbelievable promise While Jesus made some astounding promises, none is harder to believe than this one: “Whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing,..
A Promise Nobody Believes Have you ever considered the unbelievable promises Jesus made? Personally, I find comfort in most of the Lord’s promises. For instance, in John..
What do you see in this picture? What do you see when you look at the image above? Before reading on, take a moment and examine the picture. Most people see either a rabbit or a..
Never hide this! When someone is placed under oath they swear to, “Tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” The middle phrase is a problem for..
How to keep demons away You’re sitting in a comfortable beach chair on a white Caribbean beach. Sea gulls make a ha, ha, ha, ha, sound as they fly overhead. Soft waves..
After a demon is gone, what then? Jesus told a parable in Matthew 12:43-45 which gives insight into what happens after a demon leaves someone. Here’s what he said: “Now when the..
How to evict a demon Evicting a demon involves taking authority over it, naming it, and commanding it, in the name of Jesus Christ, to leave and go where Jesus sends..
Where are demons today? I’ve written three books to help people overcome addictions. While writing I offered biblical truth along with current scientific knowledge. I did..
A Familiar Word Few Understand On a cold December night in 2011, I stood on the edge of a black vortex. I knew if I stepped into the spinning mass it would take years to climb..
My New Year’s Challenge Forty-seven months ago I had an insight that changed my life. I realized that while I had written three books based on the ministry model of Jesus,..
The Christmas dreamer nobody knows I find it interesting that so little is said about Joseph in the Gospel narrative. And yet, without his immediate obedience to God, Jesus may have..
The second step to freedom Rosemont Road winds its way through Oregon hills. A vineyard hugs a hill to the south while grass covers the northerly hills. Three or four times a..
The first step to freedom Below is a nasty list of attitudes and actions people struggle with. Most of us not only battle to break free but to keep the battle a secret. Yet,..
Finding the root of the problem If you’ve got a character battle you keep losing over something like anger, lust, bitterness, jealousy, or depression, maybe the source of the..
Something to give thanks for Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday. Unfortunately, I’m too often like a cat living in a palace. Surrounded by beauty it focuses on the bird on a..
The Root of a Stronghold A stronghold is a tree. What we see is the canopy—the angry outburst, depression, addiction, jealousy, dishonesty, impurity, and fear. What we..
How to destroy a spiritual stronghold Every spiritual stronghold is built on a lie. With that in mind, the key to destroying a stronghold is to expose and reject the lie. Notice I said..
How we build strongholds The enemy builds a stronghold in our life when we give him a foothold—a secure position from which he can and will make further progress. The word..
What’s a spiritual stronghold? A spiritual stronghold is a fortress of lies built in the soul. Stone by stone, lie by lie, the fortress takes shape until it seems impregnable...
How do demons get in? After watching a demonized boy roll around on the ground while foaming at the mouth, Jesus asked his father, “’How long has this been happening to..
Can Christians be Demon Possessed? Suppose you own a home free and clear. You’ve got the deed locked away in a safety deposit box. Over the years you’ve replaced the roof, the AC and..
Jesus and Demons and You Growing up I believed God was real but couldn’t be known. Since that was the case, I concluded nothing mattered. At age 19 I understood, for the..
I saw a demonized man set free “What is your name,” I demanded. Rather than getting an answer the demon’s host, a 260 pound man sitting on a chair in front of me, bent over and..
Do this to an enemy Humility is sometimes measured by how losses are handled. Humble men and women don’t make excuses. They don’t point fingers. They accept that even..