Could God Create a Movement Through You? Last week in a survey I asked: “Would you like to be part of a movement of God?” 100% of the respondents said, “Yes.” I’ve seen pockets of revival..
I Won’t Be Bullied! I, for one, am tired of being pushed around by a culture that doesn’t give God the time of day. I’m tired of watching other men passively fade into..
Rein in Toxic Thoughts and Emotions I was eight years old and riding a quarter horse across some land my family owned outside of Roswell, New Mexico. As I headed the horse away from..
How to Rein in Runaway Emotions Science has identified a clear link between your thoughts and emotions and your physical and mental well-being. When you think a negative thought..
Fear Buster–Break the Power of Fear Fear is a powerful emotion that can steal hope, dissipate energy, trigger depression, and undermine confidence. It’s also a culprit I know too..
Why I Have Hope for the USA As I write these words I’m with my son, Paul, in Washington, D.C. From the roof-top of his fourteen story apartment building, we’ve got a clear..
Getting People to Change Who Don’t Want To I was surprised to discover a Harris poll that revealed over 90 percent of the people surveyed would change their lives dramatically if they could,..
Can You Do This? Got the Guts to Try? I was thinking a negative thought the other night. It was the kind of negative thought I frequently had. In fact, it was so common I believed it..
What Difference Would it Make if God Arranged Your Daily Schedule? It’s amazing how God arranged Jesus’ schedule so he could fulfill his mission, “To seek and save the Lost” (Luke 19:10). Equally amazing is that..
Know This Before You Say a Word Here’s the situation: You want to talk with a friend about spiritual matters, but when you broach the subject they erect a barrier. What do you do..
Scientific Proof that Jesus is the Only Way to God Sometimes people get upset when they realize that Jesus taught that he is the only way to God. They insist that such a narrow and exclusive message..
Jesus was Narrow Minded! I suspect the majority of people in the world would argue that Jesus is not the only way to God. Furthermore, many believe that Christianity is a..
Someone Stole My Foosball Table Several years ago I loaned my heavy duty top-of- the-line foosball table to a friend. I had tired of the game and my friend wanted the table, so I..
I Don’t Want to Be a Control Freak! Lately the Lord has been prodding me to stop trying to control other people. This direction from God is in response to how I often try to fix..
Are Your Kids into Porn? Note: If you have children, please take part in a short survey at the end of this article. Several years ago the leader of a sizable city-wide..
Get the Wood Off the Track! I sometimes have people tell me they want to write a book, launch a business, or learn a new sport. When I ask what’s holding them back, many shrug..
Need a Second Chance? Anybody who ever failed a test longed for a second chance … one more night to study … one more chance to make the grade. Those who have suffered..
What Are You Afraid Of? Men have a tendency to isolate themselves. Our culture admires independent tough-guys like Dirty Harry, Rambo, Terminator, Robocop, and James Bond...
I’m 63 Today For the next 364 days when I take the platform at a speaking engagement, after an introduction, I’ll sometimes say, “I’m 63 today.” The audience..
I hate to admit this about myself I hate to admit it, but I’m a hypocrite. You see, I’ve become skilled at hiding my flaws behind a mask of superiority while condemning the same..
Get me out of here! Please All of us periodically suffer from the myth of the greener grass. Haven’t there been times in your life when you thought things looked better on..
An Old Friend Fell I had an experience last week that got me thinking about how easy it is for us to take people for granted and assume they’ll always be around. And..
The Fly in Paterno’s Perfume Few men have fallen as far and as fast as Joe Paterno. I suspect that’s because few men have risen to the heights he achieved. If you include his..
A View of Death While speaking at the commencement exercise at Stanford University on June 12, 2005, Steve Jobs said this: (more…)
Tapping Blue Jays Just the other day, while I was working in my home office, there was a blue jay on my roof, banging away on an unshelled peanut he’d taken from the..