Two Tough Questions? While seeking to destroy a stronghold, I’ll eventually ask, “Have you ever done anything you’ve never told anyone?” Most people pause, not to..
Don’t Download This Virus We’ve all had it happen. In just a moment we unwittingly open an email or click on a link that downloads a virus onto our computer. Once downloaded..
2019 New Year’s Challenge As we enter a new year I’m reminded of a short poem by Gloria Pitzer that expresses a problem we all have. She wrote: “Procrastination is my sin. ..
” O Holy Night” Over the last few days I’ve been listening to many versions of O Holy Night. As I listen to the words I consider all they represent and find myself..
Demons and Healing Some of the most dramatic healing I’ve seen occurred after evicting demons. It’s stunning to me how many illnesses like headaches, digestive..
The Second Step Toward Freedom No spiritual stronghold will be destroyed until we let go of the sin it protects. Whether the sin is anger, bitterness, fear, despair, depression,..
Freedom Begins With Forgiveness Below is a nasty list of attitudes and actions people struggle with. Most of us not only battle to break free but to keep the battle a secret. Yet,..
Finding the Root of a Stronghold If you’ve got a character battle you keep losing over something like anger, lust, bitterness, jealousy, or depression, maybe the source of the..
The Birth of a Stronghold Every spiritual stronghold is built on a lie. And by stronghold I’m referring to a place in the heart where lies reside and generate control over..
The Mystery of Divine Healing I have no idea over the course of my life how many people I’ve asked God to heal. It has to be a lot though. Through the years I always gratefully..
When is it wrong to meet a legitimate need? The Lord’s first temptation was straightforward: “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread” (Luke 4:3, niv). Satan’s question..
Find an Isolated Place Several years ago I found an isolated place where I could sit quietly and listen for God’s voice. A place where I could bask in the wonder of his..
The Private Life of Jesus I have a reoccurring dream in which I’m running as hard as I can. Sometimes I’m running barefoot across an open field of green grass in the..
Jesus drew a picture of the invisible Jesus took an invisible-abstract idea and drew a picture of the intersection of a branch and grapevine. “I’m the vine and you’re the branches. Stay..
One word Jesus used ten times All of the resources available to Jesus are there for us. The questions is, how do we follow his example and draw on such wisdom and strength. The..
The day I met the Jesus of power Throughout my four years at Dallas Theological Seminary–four years of intense biblical study and spiritual growth–I learned that I was to follow..
The Power of Spiritual Expectation What you expect from Jesus will determine what you receive. When Jesus visited Nazareth, his hometown, his childhood friends and neighbors were..
Fear Driven Questions One day you’ll face an impossible challenge. The opposition will be strong, entrenched and organized. Moses felt that way when God appeared in the..
Personal Update From Bill Perkins Cindy is Sick She suffers from a rare and incurable illness which if not treated quickly and aggressively could cause life-altering..
When You’re Outnumbered I used to ask God to show me himself. He never did. I can’t help but think my faith would be stronger if an army of angels appeared to me as they..
What would Jesus think of the Starbucks decision? The recent decision by Starbucks to allow the homeless to sit at their tables and use their restrooms triggered a national debate. Some expressed..
The Healing Power of Tears Many men feel uncomfortable crying. Some men can’t cry. They think tears are a sign of emotional weakness. Yet in John 11:35 we read that at the..
How to rebuke like Jesus Sometimes an exhortation may take the form of a chisel that chips off a rough edge. While the process is painful, it may be necessary. That’s why..
Do this to control anger Has it ever occurred to you that Jesus was 30-years- old when he cleansed the temple? That means he likely visited the temple during every..
I almost killed my nephew–a baby Before the birth of our first son I feared I wouldn’t like him. My concern was rooted in a childhood experience I had when I was seven. My oldest..