Did Jesus Cheat? Imitating Jesus may seem as impossible as following Superman in flight. We might shadow Clark Kent up a flight of stairs, but not off a tall..
You Control This in 2021 The New Year stretches beyond eyesight. 366 days (It’s a leap year) 8,784 hours 527,040 minutes 31,622, 400 seconds During that..
Is God Approachable? Many people have gotten the idea that getting to God demands jumping through religious hoops. Such misconceptions are laid to rest in a manger, in..
Write a Review for The Jesus Story If you’ve read The Jesus Story and liked it, please write a five star review for Amazon.com. There’s still time for people to buy one for..
What if an Angel Appeared to You? Three scenes in the Christmas story plea for a closer look. In Matthew’s gospel, attention is fixed on: Mary and Jesus The star The..
Fight For Your True Identity Much in the world denies your identity in Christ. Hardship fights it. Your history denies it. Skeptics question it. Yet, lies form the basis of..
Thanksgiving Day I’m sometimes like a cat living in a palace. Surrounded by beauty it gazes at the bird sitting on a branch outside the window. It places a padded..
Where’s God in this Election Mess? None of us have lived through a presidential election like this one. Ferocious battle lines separate two armies. Fists are raised and cries of..
With Jesus in the Boat You’re Safe In 2020 we’ve seen cities burn, stores looted, cops killed, random shootings, a worldwide pandemic, lockdowns, masks, job losses, political..
How to See The Unseen Much in the world denies your identity in Christ. Hardship fights it. Your history denies it. Skeptics question it. Yet, lies form the basis of..
The Fallacy of Christian Tithing I’ve had the privilege of attending churches across the United States and internationally. Often when the plate is passed attenders are urged to..
You Can Get Past Fear and Doubt to Faith How would you respond if the miraculous invaded your life? That theoretical question became a reality for Zechariah–the father of John the..
You Are In A Spiritual Battle Throughout the Bible we are urged to fight the enemy, do battle, and wage war. We’ve not been placed in a spiritual Disneyworld and told to “have..
Control Your Thoughts, Control Your Life I was eight years old and riding a quarter horse across some land my family owned outside of Roswell, New Mexico. As I rode away from the stables..
I do it all the time? Do you? Several years ago I loaned my heavy duty top-of- the-line foosball table to a friend. I had tired of the game and my friend wanted the table, so..
Turn Your Back on God and This Happens How does God deal with us when we choose to live as though he doesn’t exist? It might surprise you that God steps aside and turns us over to our..
What Do You Do When Life Stops? We’re taught to travel fast and light. On the freeway we drive in the fast lane. If we want something we’re told to, “Go for it!” Immediate..
Seize the Opportunity Webster tells us an opportunity is a “favorable juncture of circumstances.” A moment when the elements for progress merge. The English..
Why Was Jesus Baptized? I learned and believed, and still believe, Jesus was baptized to identify with the ministry of John the Baptist. John came to prepare the..
Withstand the Attack Jesus said we are sheep before wolves–vulnerable victors. We won’t win by dominating. Or protecting self-interest. In the domain of The King, we..
If We Could See This While reflecting on the subject of a blinding bias, the Holy Spirit drew me to the story of two sisters, Martha and Mary, who sent a message to..
Racism and the Bible If you search for the word “racism” in the Bible you won’t find it. Just go to any online Bible concordance and type racism in the search window..
America Burns, What Now? We are living in a massive cultural and political revolution raging across the United States. Anarchy reigns in numerous cities. Peaceful and..
A Tribute to George A friend sent me this. He’s one of my closest friends, an African American. This man is my brother. I’m touched. I hope you are too.Thank you,..