How Do We Obey THIS Command? Paul commands us to focus our mind, our thoughts, on Christ in heaven, not on this world, because we died with Christ and are hidden with him in..
What did Jesus Mean? “The Eye is the Lamp of the Body” I believe if God “opened our eyes” so we could witness a reality that goes beyond sight, we would see ourselves with Christ in the heavenlies..
The Slowly of God In life God seldom moves suddenly and often moves slowly. Of course, we desire flashes of insight which carry us forward quickly. But we must..
The Suddenly of God There is a suddenly with God. In a moment An eye will twinkle. The end will arrive. We will be raised...
The DEATH PARADIGM The Death Paradigm—the dark lens that hides truth and shades all we see Prior to the Lord’s resurrection, death ruled supreme. Death conquered..
When Satan Sounds Like God In Matthew 16:21-23 we read, “From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the..
What Would Jesus Say About Covid-19? While living in a worldwide pandemic and under a barrage of toxic news, we’ve got a lot we could worry about. Will I get sick and die? Will a..
Do This For a Friend Today What do we do now? Now that we’re social distancing? Now that we, or someone we know, is laid-off? And living in fear? Or, sick? What can we do..
Generosity Replaces Fear With Faith I had a Zoom meeting today with three pastors. They’re talking with people who are have lost their job, or may lose it soon. People fear they..
Is Covid19 a Tsunami? While driving the Oregon Pacific Coast Highway you’ll occasionally see a sign that reads: TSUNAMI HAZARD ZONE . . . GO TO HIGH GROUND. If you..
My Cow’s Liver Bias I can’t stand the taste of cow’s liver. While a freshman at the University of Texas my anti-liver bias was tested. At the time I worked as a..
Fear and the Coronavirus Last week the first case of the Coronavirus in Oregon occurred in Lake Oswego, a city where my family lived for twenty years. A city near..
Is Spiritual Victory a Line or a Dot? Spiritual victory is a line, not a dot. By that I mean it’s not a single attitude or action; it’s a series of attitudes and actions which, over..
Changed Focus = Changed Feelings One dreary winter night I was obsessing over a negative thought . . . a thought so common I thought it part of my identity. You see, I used..
A Key to Spiritual Growth Hypocrisy is a sin most of us spot in others without seeing it in ourselves. It’s like bad breath. If somebody else has it you want to keep your..
Proof Jesus Was Right Sometimes people get upset when they realize Jesus taught he is the only way to God. They insist such a narrow and exclusive message must be..
Was Jesus Narrow-Minded? Most people reject the idea that Jesus is the only way to God. In fact, many believe Christianity is an accepting religion that includes everyone..
Overcoming Fear It fascinates me that we tend to not only hide our fears from each other, but from God. We talk to him as though he’s impressed with the mask we..
A Thought for the New Year As you enter the New Year and New Decade—the roaring twenties—what kind of life do you want to live? Consider the words of John Rohn: Let others..
Breathe the Breath of God this Christmas “And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn”..
The “Suddenly” of Christmas Suddenly: immediately, instantly, straight away, all at once, abruptly, swiftly. We’ve all had a “suddenly” experience. Haven’t we? The gust..
Ready for a Second Chance? Anybody who ever failed a test longed for a second chance … one more night to study … one more chance to make the grade. Those who have suffered..
Ryan Is A One-Percenter Ninety-nine percent of all patients on the neurogical floor at Eden Medical Center leave dead or disabled. One percent leave alive and..
Read This to Your Family on Thanksgiving Let’s thank God for a wonder we take for granted. In Psalm 139:14-15 David wrote: “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together..