Lead Through Failure A lot of people think the best leaders seldom fail. That’s why they desperately work to hide each failure and expose success. And yet, nothing..
Do This To Show Someone Their Worth As Jesus entered the Upper Room for a final meal with His disciples, He remained silent. No need to speak. His actions would soon say more than..
Seize The Opportunity in 2024 Webster tells us that an opportunity is a “favorable juncture of circumstances.” One occurs when the elements needed for progress come together at..
Before Making An Alliance–Do This! Seldom has a leader made a more ill advised alliance than Lot. Initially, the union appeared as harmless as choosing a Coke instead of a Pepsi. I..
When You Don’t Know What To Do Moses, one of history’s greatest leaders, couldn’t solve every problem by himself. And neither can you. Fortunately, Moses had what we need. He..
“I Never Saw It That Way Before” When placed under oath a witness swears to, “Tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” The middle phrase is a problem if ..
To Serve Others Best, Do This First Dale Carnegie once said, “No man gets rich without enriching others.” Carnegie lived that philosophy, as evidenced by the 43 millionaires who..
Leading When You’d Rather Hide Leaders sometimes face intractable opposition. The resistance seems too strong, too entrenched and too organized. Resources seem too limited...
Do This To Make Good Decisions Values aren’t practices. A practice is an activity or action. A practice that works in one situation may not work in another. Why? because..
What Did Jesus Mean? “Don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing?” When I open the door for someone at the grocery store, I appreciate a friendly, “Thank you.” Don’t you? I pretty much feel that way about any act..
Where’s God in this Election Mess? None of us have lived through a presidential election like this one. Ferocious battle lines separate two armies. Fists are raised and cries of..
Between Childhood and Adulthood Something’s Lost Between childhood and adulthood, something happens, and it’s more than getting taller and wiser. At some point the world crushes our childhood..
The Pressure Builds, Do This Jesus entered the upper room knowing: His closest friends would abandon him. He would suffer an agonizing death. Judas would betray him. Peter..
Fear Driven Questions One day you’ll face an impossible challenge. The opposition will be strong, entrenched and organized. Moses felt that way when God appeared in the..
Where To Find Courage Courage is the ability to face difficulty, danger, or pain without crippling fear. And because life presents us with difficulty, danger and pain..
Avoid Distractions Time and again, Jesus reminded his disciples about his and their mission. The day he called his first disciples, they were casting a net into a..
A liar With Integrity Ethics is a defined standard of right and wrong, good and evil, like the Ten Commandments. Morality is a lived standard of right and wrong, good..
The purpose of personal power In his book, Transforming Leadership, Leighton Ford observes, “Next to truth, the power question is the most important issue for the leader. And it..
How to create momentum I’ve always been fascinated by trains. I used to lay in bed at night, before falling asleep, and imagine climbing into a freight car and traveling..
The Meaning of Weism Meism says, “Me first.” It’s the opposite of weism that says, “We first.” On the night before his crucifixion Jesus prayed for his future..
Lead through discouragement Nobody sails through life without a dose of discouragement. And how we handle discouragement will dictate, not only our emotional and mental..
Leading through discouragement Nobody sails through life without a dose of discouragement. And how we handle discouragement will dictate, not only our emotional and mental..
How Jesus changed a mind Few leadership challenges are tougher than leading people into change. No wonder. The thought of change creates uncertainty about the future. And..
Two keys to bring about change Bringing about change is tough because people tend to polarize around a position and feel they have to be right all the time. Rather than fighting..
A Lesson From Sherlock Holmes If you’re leading a person or organization into change, never forget that some people want things done today as they have been in the past. Nobody..