Rein in Toxic Thoughts and Emotions I was eight years old and riding a quarter horse across some land my family owned outside of Roswell, New Mexico. As I headed the horse away from..
Fear Buster–Break the Power of Fear Fear is a powerful emotion that can steal hope, dissipate energy, trigger depression, and undermine confidence. It’s also a culprit I know too..
Can You Do This? Got the Guts to Try? I was thinking a negative thought the other night. It was the kind of negative thought I frequently had. In fact, it was so common I believed it..
Know This Before You Say a Word Here’s the situation: You want to talk with a friend about spiritual matters, but when you broach the subject they erect a barrier. What do you do..
Scientific Proof that Jesus is the Only Way to God Sometimes people get upset when they realize that Jesus taught that he is the only way to God. They insist that such a narrow and exclusive message..
Jesus was Narrow Minded! I suspect the majority of people in the world would argue that Jesus is not the only way to God. Furthermore, many believe that Christianity is a..
I Don’t Want to Be a Control Freak! Lately the Lord has been prodding me to stop trying to control other people. This direction from God is in response to how I often try to fix..
What Are You Afraid Of? Men have a tendency to isolate themselves. Our culture admires independent tough-guys like Dirty Harry, Rambo, Terminator, Robocop, and James Bond...
Tapping Blue Jays Just the other day, while I was working in my home office, there was a blue jay on my roof, banging away on an unshelled peanut he’d taken from the..
The Value of Solitude As the October release of my new book, The Jesus Experiment, draws near I want to give you a sneak peek. (more…)
Is Following Jesus as Impossible as Following Superman? Imitating Jesus in prayer might sound as impossible as emulating Superman’s flying capabilities. We might shadow Clark Kent up a flight of stairs,..