There are many who, like me, worked and prayed for Obama’s defeat. On the other hand, I’ve got evangelical friends who worked and prayed for his victory. 

For me, this election stings. It’s worse than that because our nation has reached a tipping point. It will never be what it was. Never. Ever.

And now with the election behind us, where do we go from here?

When the president isn’t a man of my choosing, I’m forced to remember that in Daniel 2:21 we’re told it is God who, “removes kings, and establishes kings.” While over 100 million Americans voted, and in doing so expressed their will, ultimately God chose who would serve as the President of our country. It seems, according to exit polls, the super storm improved Obama’s popularity. Who sent that storm?

God has a purpose for the election of Obama. And of course, nobody knows what that purpose might be. We may never know. But we can know that Paul commanded us to submit to governing authorities (Romans 13:1). He also told us to pray for kings and those in authority so, “we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness” (1 Timothy 2:1). And he did this when Roman rulers were ruthless.

I remember the occasion when David and three thousand of his troops were running from King Saul–a half-crazy and revenge seeking ruler. Under the cover of darkness, David and Abishai, one of his mighty men, stealthily entered the king’s camp. Surrounded by his sleeping men, the king slept as soundly as a baby.

Abishai saw the moment as a divine appointment. “Today God has delivered your enemy into your hands,” he said (1 Samuel 26:8). He pleaded with David to let him kill the king with a single thrust of his spear. “I won’t strike him twice,” he said.

Overhead the stars blinked, in the distance a wolf howled. Much closer angels leaned forward and watched as David contemplated Abishai’s request. I wonder what ran through David’s mind in the moment between hearing and answering. Perhaps he thought of Saul’s ruthless and immoral wrongs committed against him. Perhaps he considered what a terrible king and leader he had proven to be.

Whether or not David entertained such thoughts we’ll never know. What we do know is that the leader of the mighty men told Abishai, “Don’t destroy him! Who can lay a hand on the Lord’s anointed and be guiltless?” (1 Samuel 26:9). Friends, we have a responsibility to do all we can to assure the success of our president elect. We must pray for him and for his success. If we disagree with him and his policies, thank God, we live in a country where our disagreement can be expressed. And we must do so.

While I will no doubt continue to feel deep concern about the direction of our country, I have no doubt about who holds me in his hands. And because I know this, I can sleep tonight.

There are 4 comments

  1. Glenda turner

    When I prayed I too asked God to let the correct man win, not my choice but God’s. Mr Perkins has said it all, I agree all the way with him. I just can’t believe so many Christians believed in the President. I have never seen him coming from or going to church. All our other Presidents were shown as they entered or left church. We have to question ourselves, and how could he allow ” In God we Trust” to be taken off everything, to take away prayers from our schools, and to have Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Mr. President, leave Christ in our Country, he made it.

  2. David Peters

    I really appreciated the writing about the election. He won against all odds. So because I beleive in God and know II Timothy 3:1-8 I realize that even those who profess Christ can be deceived at the polls. What you wrote is my understanding also.

  3. joyce Goggin

    This expresses exactly the way I feel about the election. I had a feeling that God might allow Obama to be reelected for God’s own purposes. I am sorry to see the way Obama has and probably will lead our country but I trust God to use him to bring about His will.
    I can’t imagine what America will be like when my grandchildren have families of their own.

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