God’s Power in You Jesus’ words and deeds on the night of the Last Supper were focused on helping the disciples grasp a truth as revolutionary as the first use of an..
A word Jesus used 10 times in 3 verses Confused and afraid the disciples left the upper room and stepped onto the narrow Jerusalem street. They felt the frigid air nip at their faces..
The key to success or failure Consider these truths that come from a single principle: You reap only if you sow. You reap only what you sow. You reap after you sow. You reap..
The night God saved my marriage That night, after we climbed into bed, repelling each other like the negative ends of two magnets, I asked Cindy, “Would you marry me..
Re-sit the first domino The rape. The injustice. The bitterness. The lie that he should even-the-score. The rage. The Orchestrated murder of Amnon, his half-brother...
The lie about forgiveness Has anyone ever asked if you’ve done something nobody knows about? Or, asked if you’ve had something done to you no-one knows about? It’s not like..
The purpose of personal power In his book, Transforming Leadership, Leighton Ford observes, “Next to truth, the power question is the most important issue for the leader. And it..
The Greatest Easter Ever There are 57 days until Easter. If you read the Jesus Story for less than ten minutes a day you’ll experience the entire life of Christ in..
How to lower your stress. You wouldn’t think something as insignificant as a gear-shift indicator could spell disaster for a car. But it did. I used to own a sporty car that..
The meaning of holiness When Isaiah beheld God sitting on his throne, high and exalted, with his robe filling the temple, angels flew around him and said to one another,..
What is integrity? A biblical author once wrote, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). Jesus is both eternal and unchanging. If..
Before Jesus healed he felt this When two blind men cried out to Jesus, the crowd saw them as intruders–irritants they brushed aside like pesky flies. Jesus viewed them..
How I hope to face hardship On December 17, 1850, Captain Allen Gardiner and six companions landed at Patagonia on the southern tip of South America. They made that long..
When you lack the needed faith We all face situations where a gap exists between the faith we have and the faith needed to release the power of God into a situation. Like the dad..
Will you join me? Nothing has strengthened my faith and transformed my life more than reading through the four Gospels every month. When I began, 59 months ago, I..
Will you join me? Nothing has strengthened my faith and transformed my life more than reading through the four Gospels every month. When I began, 59 months ago, I..
Lead a big life in 2017 As you enter the New Year what kind of life do you want to live? John Rohn wrote this: Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue..
Merry Christmas The star gave light and direction . . . the angels song and joy . . . the shepherds wonder . . . the magi worship and wealth . . . the innkeeper a..
Do you have a stronghold? Have you ever done anything horrible that you’ve kept secret? Have you suffered something horrible that you’ve kept secret? If you answered yes to..
Why a mask hides the true you According to the Merriam Webster dictionary a stronghold is, “a protected place where the members of a military group stay and can defend..
Jesus’ six reasons to give thanks I got the list from Jesus, really. One day the Lord told his followers why they should trust in God and not worry (Matthew 6:26-33). I realize..
A Christian Response to the Election Congratulations! You’ve survived the most toxic election in a lifetime. I read some people avoided the campaign poison by pulling the information..
A weird experiment with a lesson I’ve never cracked an egg with a chicken inside. That would be a shocker if it occurred over a frying pan. But it’s been done by biologists with a..
The hardest lie to tell will surprise you You might think telling a big lie would be harder than telling a small one. According to Tali Sharot, a neuroscientist at University College..
When my dad died I remember when my dad died. I stood beside his bed, my hands on his chest, as he quietly exhaled. One moment he was there, the next he was gone...