One way we’re alike In one way we’re alike. We want our life to matter. And sometimes we wonder if it does, or ever will. You may go for weeks, months, or even years..
How to create momentum I’ve always been fascinated by trains. I used to lay in bed at night, before falling asleep, and imagine climbing into a freight car and traveling..
When getting even feels right One of Jesus’ more controversial and misunderstood teachings dealt with forgiveness. In the Old Testament the Hebrew people were commanded to seek..
The Meaning of Weism Meism says, “Me first.” It’s the opposite of weism that says, “We first.” On the night before his crucifixion Jesus prayed for his future..
Lead through discouragement Nobody sails through life without a dose of discouragement. And how we handle discouragement will dictate, not only our emotional and mental..
Leading through discouragement Nobody sails through life without a dose of discouragement. And how we handle discouragement will dictate, not only our emotional and mental..
Failure is the seed of success I’ve got an impressive resume of failure. It’s embarrassing to admit, but it’s true. At one time or another I’ve failed in every area of my life...
Seeing the Invisible God Astrophysicist and author, Dr. Hugh Ross, encourages us to imagine that the two-dimensional image on a television monitor consists of a living..
Spiritual victory is a line not a dot Spiritual victory is a line, not a dot. By that I mean it’s not a single attitude or action; it’s a series of attitudes and actions which, over..
How to restrain your anger Jesus was 30-years-old when he first cleansed the temple. That means he had visited the temple during all of the Passovers since he was twelve. He..
How Jesus changed a mind Few leadership challenges are tougher than leading people into change. No wonder. The thought of change creates uncertainty about the future. And..
Anyone need a second chance? Anybody who ever failed a test longed for a second chance . . . one more night to study . . . one more chance to make the grade. Those who have..
Something Jesus Never Did Lately I’ve been thinking about procrastination. How I tend to put off doing things I don’t enjoy. Like de-cluttering the storage room or shaving..
Do you do this? After the false alarm regarding a brain disease a radiologist said I had, which a neurologist later said I don’t have, I thought a lot about the..
A justifiable sin? There’s nothing wrong with eating bread when you’re hungry. And after fasting for forty days it wouldn’t have been wrong for Jesus to turn stones..
“Your brain is not normal.” The neurologist gazed intently at a magnetic resonance image of my brain. The same brain a radiologist referred to when he said, “You have small..
“You’ve got a brain disease,” she said. A couple months ago I got a call from a radiologist who had viewed an MRI of my brain. I expected her to say, “Good news. It’s there.” Instead she..
Are you open to correction? If we’re not open to correction then we’re inauthentic. The religious leaders of Jesus’ day had developed an elaborate system of rituals (masks)..
How Jesus Dealt With Distractions Because I work from home, I continually deal with distractions. Unread e-mails, sports scores to check, news to read, phone calls to answer, phone..
Is Jesus like Superman? Some people think following Jesus is as impossible as following Superman. They have no problem tailing Clark Kent up fifty flights of stairs, but..
What I Never Saw Before I counted twenty-three times in the Gospels that Jesus referred directly or indirectly to his death and/or resurrection. In none of those instances..
The disciples’ myside bias Like a radar system that only detects enemy planes while ignoring friendlies, our minds tend to pick up information that supports what we already..
How did the disciples miss this Twenty-three times Jesus made direct or indirect reference to his death and resurrection. And yet, the disciples never understood what he was..
Something to ponder Jesus said, “My words are both Spirit and life” (John 6:63). He didn’t say my words point to Spirit and life. Nor did he say, my words teach about..
What would you do? The downcast and weak were attracted to Jesus because they knew he would protect them.