Are you successful in God’s eyes? A paradigm defines the way we view something. For instance, if a man walks around looking at life through binoculars, he’ll view everything as big..
When it’s okay NOT to forgive Okay, you already know the answer: It’s never okay NOT to forgive. At least according to Jesus. But there must be situations where God would flex a..
How to smile back at 2018 Don’t be deceived into thinking it’s meaningless to number your days. It isn’t. And don’t kid yourself into thinking it’s easy. It’s not. ..
A Different View of Christmas The Christmas Story we celebrate every year centers around a promised birth, a star, shepherds, magi, a manger and a baby. What most people don’t..
I placed the order The good news is there are only 35 copies of The Jesus Story left to sell. You may wonder why that’s good news? It’s good news because almost 5,000..
Something we seldom say “Thanks” for Like a fly on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, we often fail to recognize the wonder that surrounds us. This Thanksgiving, join me in thanking..
The Church Has Been Deceived Part 2 Without repentance, it’s impossible to overpower compulsive lust. Can’t be done. Nor can we harness explosive rage, bitterness, fear, self-hatred,..
The Church Has Been Deceived I’ve got a confession to make. While I’ve published three books on addictive/compulsive behavior—one a best-seller—spoken across the United States..
The day I learned my son had cancer In each instance when Jesus prayed alone, he faced a different kind of need that would require the wisdom and strength of his Father. I’m convinced..
Where was God? As I’ve viewed images of the devastation in Las Vegas I’ve grieved for those who, in an instant, lost their life. One moment they were listening to..
Will The World End This Saturday? David Meade, a self-proclaimed “researcher,” is predicting that a series of apocalyptic events will begin this Saturday, September 23rd, and, “a..
An Unfailing Source of Power Most of us have faced the inconvenience of losing power for a few hours. If a car battery failed we may have been stranded. If it was a power..
How to Win the Fight for Your Heart A real fight isn’t Tae Bo. It’s not like hitting one of those four-foot-tall inflatable punching bags that looks like a clown and makes a weak..
Where To Find Courage Courage is the ability to face difficulty, danger, or pain without crippling fear. And because life presents us with difficulty, danger and pain..
Don’t Pray for More Power. Pray for This. When Paul prayed for the Ephesians he didn’t ask God to give them more power. Instead, he prayed they would comprehend the power available to..
Johnny Lingo’s Eight Cow Wife Patricia McGeer tells the story of a journey to the island of Kiniwata in the Pacific. While on the island she repeatedly heard stories about..
Babe Caught Me Unprepared Texas beaches along the Gulf of Mexico stretch far and flat. Long and lonely they offer no resistance to a hurricane’s windy blast or tidal surge...
The Day I Stood in Awe of God The Northwest boasts some of the most beautiful country in the world. Primeval forests form a soaring cathedral over the hills. Sheer cliffs stand..
Avoid Distractions Time and again, Jesus reminded his disciples about his and their mission. The day he called his first disciples, they were casting a net into a..
A liar With Integrity Ethics is a defined standard of right and wrong, good and evil, like the Ten Commandments. Morality is a lived standard of right and wrong, good..
The Hypocrite Hypocrisy was a big deal to Jesus. I mean in a bad way. Toward the end of his ministry he said this: “Woe to you, scribes, and Pharisees,..
Reviving Crushed Dreams Between childhood and adulthood something harmful happens. The world, at some point, crushes our childhood capacity to dream we can make a..
The first lie you believed and how it messed you up The first lie is the most important lie. Like the first dandelion seed blown into a yard. Or, the first domino to fall in a row. Or, the first shot..
When you can’t provide “You give them something to eat,” Jesus said (Matthew 14:16). The question took the disciples by surprise. The Lord has just asked them where they..
Seize the Moment Procrastinators focus on problems. The diligent focus on solutions. There is an element of dishonesty in procrastination. When we procrastinate, we..