How to Change Things without Alienating In the past change was a relatively slow process, like the gradual eroding of the shoreline. When a cycle of change was completed, things settled..
Give ’em the What? Time and again Jesus reminded his disciples that his driving purpose was to seek and save lost people. On the day he called his first disciples he..
Two Minutes that Will Change a Life On a dark rainy day several years ago my mood matched the weather. I climbed in my car and listened to the rain patter on the roof. I felt..
The Power of Transparency It’s easy for parents to think what children need most from them is moral and spiritual perfection. That belief often drives parents to hide their..
Everything Stands or Falls On This Confused and afraid, the disciples left the upper room and stepped onto the narrow Jerusalem street. The frigid air–just like their growing..
Getting Past Fear and Doubt to Faith How would you respond if the miraculous invaded your life? That theoretical question became a reality for Zechariah–the father of John the Baptist...
What Will You Do With 525,600 Minutes? Stretching before you, further than the eye can see, lays the New Year. It consists of 365 Days, 8,760 hours, 525,600 minutes, 31,536, 000 seconds...
Seize the Moment You’ve probably seen the ad on TV where small electrodes are attached to a man’s abdomen. When the device is activated the muscles contract. It’s..
Where Was God? I can’t remember watching a news story that triggered more horrible images. Children gunned down by an angry twenty year old man. Horrible words..
How to Transcend Failure I’ve got an impressive resume of failure. Really. It’s embarrassing to admit, but it’s true. At one time or another I’ve failed in every area of my..
Relieving Christmas Season Stress December is a short month. While it may not have fewer days, it has fewer work days. Less time to get important things done. Many companies and..
Worry Buster I’ve got a close friend who is a chronic worrier. I asked him once if he ever noticed that most of the things he worries about never happen. He..
Believing in the Invisible God Astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross suggests we imagine that the two-dimensional image on a television screen actually consists of a living..
A Christian Response to the Election There are many who, like me, worked and prayed for Obama’s defeat. On the other hand, I’ve got evangelical friends who worked and prayed for his..
Don’t Knock Down the Wrong Domino Sometimes a poor alliance is the first falling domino in a line of dominos that leads to catastrophe. If you’re looking for an example you don’t..
Never Fail to Say these Words In a tiny, 20-by-50-foot air pocket, 24 stories below the ground–nine miners huddled in frigid water–praying for their lives. In a cavern so dark..
Three P’s That Will Change Your Life Spiritual victory is a line, not a dot. By that I mean it’s not a single attitude or action; it’s a series of attitudes and actions which, over..
God and the Twilight Zone How does God deal with us when we choose to live as though he doesn’t exist? It might surprise you to discover that God simply turns us over to our..
When Leaders Fail It would be easy to think the best leaders are those who have a track record of uninterrupted success. Accepting that as a pressing truth, many..
Don’t Give Up on Your Dreams Between the period of childhood and adulthood, something pretty amazing happens, and it’s more than just getting taller and wiser. It seems as if..
The Difference Between Values and Practices Values are not practices. A practice is an activity or action. A practice that works in one situation may not work in another because practices..
I Saw a Miracle I suspect over the years I’ve prayed for thousands of sick people. I’m happy to say most of them recovered … but not everyone. Some of the most..
A Leader’s Most Difficult Task It surprised me when I discovered leaders consider their most difficult task the casting of a compelling vision. A vision is important because it..
Navigating Life’s Traffic Jams We’re taught to travel fast and light. On the freeway we drive in the fast lane. If we want something we’re told to, “Go for it!” or, “Just do it!”..
When You Lose What You Value All of David’s mighty men were veterans in the war with disappointment and pain. The biblical text tells us they were in “distress,” “debt,” or..