Six Battles Every Man Must Win

At last, a hard-hitting message that not only challenges men to break free from spiritual passivity, but shows them how.”

– John Maxwell, Founder of the Injoy Group

Six Battles Every Man Must WinI’m excited about the possibility of teaming up with you for a men’s event. As you know I challenge men to break free of spiritual passivity and win the fight for their heart, their homes, and the helpless. I offer churches and men’s ministries more than an event. I offer them a strategy for a sustainable men’s ministry of which the event is one part.

At the event men are encouraged to get into an eight-week follow-up study in which they use Six Battles Every Man Must Win and the discussion questions at the end of each chapter. Ultimately, long-term life change occurs in small groups. I’ve found that over 70% of the men attending an event, who aren’t currently in a group, sign up for one of the studies.

Create Momentum

The idea is for a Six Battles Event to create momentum which is then captured by the eight-week follow-up studies and maintained by those groups that continue on after the eight weeks.

An Unseen War Rages

An unseen war is raging for the hearts of men like never before. Cultural bullies are whispering dangerous messages. Temptation is a mouse click away, economic pressures weigh heavily, and the demands of work and family are a constant double bind. In the midst of this war men need to learn from David’s band of “mighty men” how they can fight and win the six most important battles.

Suggested Agenda

Friday Night

7:00 Welcome, Music
7:15 Introduction of Bill
7:50 Fight for Your Family – Men fight for their families by sacrificing for their wife and blessing their children.
8:45 Small group discussions # 1
9:30  End

Saturday Morning

7:45 Continental breakfast (optional)
8:00 Six-Week Group Leader’s Meeting
8:30 Welcome, Music
8:45 Fight Through Pain – As men fight the first three battles they will encounter pain. It’s crucial they have a strategy for fighting through that pain instead of deadening it with harmful behavior.
9:30 Small group discussion #2
9:50 Fight for Your Friends – No man can win life’s most important battles alone—they need to lock arms with a few close friends.
10:30 Assimilation into Small Groups
10:45 Break
11:00 Fight For a Strong Faith – God is the source of limitless power and men must rely on him.
11:40 Small Group # 3
Noon End

Weekends and Retreats

Events may take place Friday night and Saturday morning to leave time for other weekend activities. Or, they can take place on a weekend retreat. Men will be encouraged to join an eight-week follow-up group.

Host An Event

If you’re interested in hosting and event and need more information, please email us.

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