Spontaneity is crucial to emotional well being. A spontaneous person responds quickly to what he or she is feeling and to what’s happening around him. Some people flee spontaneity. At times they feel like letting go. They want to express themselves and have a little fun. But they fear if they do they’ll make those around them uncomfortable. So what do they do? They stuff their feelings. They disconnect from thoughts of spontaneity.
The Dog Who Played Cards
Since many people view others as competitors, they don’t want to appear foolish, lest they give an edge to the competition. I’m reminded of the story of a man who stopped at a country store while driving through the south. While paying for a soft drink, he noticed a group of men playing cards with a Great Dane.
“Can that dog really play cards?” the tourist asked.
“Yes, he can,” the clerk answered.
“That’s incredible!” the man exclaimed.
“Everyone says that,” the clerk replied. “But he’s a terrible player. Every time he get a good hand he wags he tail.”
Follow the Example of Jesus
Many of us fear if we act spontaneously we’ll give away our winnings. And we don’t want to do that. But Jesus acted spontaneously. While traveling through Samaria He stopped at a well and spoke with a Samaritan woman (John 4:7-38). While walking into Jericho He had lunch with a tax-collector (Luke 19:1-10). There’s no indication in the text that either of these meetings were preplanned. Spontaneous acts like these got Jesus into trouble with the religious leaders. Why? Because his words and actions didn’t conform to their expectations of a religious leader. But that didn’t stop him, did it?
A Refreshing Break
It’s refreshing to meet a spontaneous person. Maybe one way you could be more like Jesus is to loosen up a bit. Forget the mold you feel you must fit into. Give it a try this week—do something spontaneous—buy an unexpected gift for your husband, wife or kids, take your spouse on an unexpected date. Take a different route to work. If you feel God prompting you to talk to someone about their spiritual pilgrimage, go for it. Give an outrageous tip to a food server. Be spontaneous, take the leap!
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