Compare yourself to someone with more

feel small.

Compare yourself to someone with less

feel big.

For awhile.

Comparisons are odious.             

The tiny pebbles and white shells of the Galilean beach crunched under the feet of the two men as they walked side-by-side. A third man followed. 

Jesus asked Peter a stinging question. Not once, but three times. “Do you love me?” Peter affirmed his love three times.

 Jesus told Peter to feed his sheep.

As the Lord spoke, Peter glanced over his shoulder and saw John. Like a little brother, he wanted to be close to Jesus, even when Jesus spoke privately with Peter.

Peter heard the Lord’s command but he had a question that couldn’t wait. Pointing at John, he asked, “Lord, what about him?” (John 29:21).

Peter had to know what Jesus would do with John. While he fed the Lord’s sheep what would John do? Would he build a massive following or humbly serve Peter?

The ugliness of Peter’s competitive spirit stained that page of history. But the response of the Lord gives an effective antidote for a competitive spirit.

“Jesus answered,” ‘If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?  You must follow me’” (John 21:22).  In other words, “Peter, don’t worry about my plans for John. Focus on me.” 

The next time you catch yourself looking over your shoulder with a comparing eye, look to Jesus instead.

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