Winning a Spiritual Tug of War “Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As..
Overcoming Three Barriers to Belief Here’s the situation: You want to talk to someone about the Lord, but you’re not sure how you should approach them. For years I pretty much..
Ride Out Your Pain We’ve all experienced our share of physical, psychological, emotional and mental pain. And when we feel squeezed, like a tennis ball in a vise,..
A Lesson Learned From Billows of Black Smoke You wouldn’t think something as insignificant as a gear-shift indicator could spell disaster for a car. But it could. I used to own an Oldsmobile..
Jesus is The God of the Gap We all face situations where a gap exists between the faith we have and the faith needed to release God’s power into a situation. Like the father..
Raise Your Spiritual Expectation for 2023 Will your expectations of what Jesus can do limit or release his power in your life this year? A Hometown Visit When Jesus visited his..
Sometimes an exhortation works like a chisel that chips off a rough edge. While the process is painful, it may be necessary. That’s why the..
Why Me? Why Now? Why This? Why? It’s the question that hits first and lingers longest. Why me? Why now? Why this? Most people don’t even try to answer such..
Do This Before Every Decision If the greatest leader of all time—the only man who lived without sin, who never made a bad decision, who lived in perfect harmony with his..
When You Don’t Know What To Do Moses, one of history’s greatest leaders, couldn’t solve every problem by himself. And neither can you. Fortunately, Moses had what we need. He..
“I Never Saw It That Way Before” When placed under oath a witness swears to, “Tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” The middle phrase is a problem if ..
To Serve Others Best, Do This First Dale Carnegie once said, “No man gets rich without enriching others.” Carnegie lived that philosophy, as evidenced by the 43 millionaires who..
Take the Leap . . . Be Spontaneous Spontaneity is crucial to emotional well being. A spontaneous person responds quickly to what he or she is feeling and to what’s happening around..
Was Jesus Superman? It’s understandable to think we could no more emulate Jesus than we could Superman. We might shadow Clark Kent up a flight of stairs, but we’re..
Why Are You Discouraged? When you’re discouraged, find out why. During a time of despair, the author of Psalm 42:4-5, wrote: “Why are you downcast, O my..
The Cure for a Competitive Spirit Comparisons are odious. If we compare ourselves to someone higher on the food chain we feel inadequate. If we gaze at someone who has less..
Leading When You’d Rather Hide Leaders sometimes face intractable opposition. The resistance seems too strong, too entrenched and too organized. Resources seem too limited...
Leap Into God’s Grace Jesus performed amazing miracles. He opened the eyes of the blind, healed lepers, cast out demons, and raised the dead. In each case, Jesus did..
Five Keys to Conflict Management Conflict is unavoidable. If you’ve got two people on a team and they never argue then one of them isn’t needed. Jesus, the greatest leader of..
A Purpose for Human Suffering Why? It’s the question that hits first and lingers longest. Why me? Why now? Why this? Most people don’t even try to answer such questions. How..
You Were Made for This God designed you for commitment just as surely as an engineer designs a ship for the open seas and a plane for the sky. A man or woman lacking..
Do This To Make Good Decisions Values aren’t practices. A practice is an activity or action. A practice that works in one situation may not work in another. Why? because..
One Thought Will Heal Your Mind I used to ruminate on negative thoughts for days, weeks, or longer–like years or decades. Over time they shaped my identity. Or, part of it. And..
Jesus Gave One Commandment Ten Times? Confused and afraid, the disciples left the upper room and stepped onto the narrow Jerusalem street. The frigid air–just like their growing..
This Guarantees You’ll Smile in One Year Stretching before you, further than the eye can see, lays a New Year–365 Days, 8,760 hours, 525,600 minutes, 31,536, 000 seconds. Over that time,..