I’ve done a lot of things in my life but I’ve never done this before. After watching the History Channel’s documentary The Bible I was deeply touched by their presentation of Jesus. While everything in every story wasn’t exactly as written in the Bible, Jesus was presented accurately as the Son of Man and the Son of God. Instead of preaching, the documentary simply told the story pretty much as written. It was, in my opinion, the best presentation of Jesus I’ve ever seen. 

As I watched the show I wanted to do all I could to help as many people as possible experience the life and power of Christ. With that in mind I contacted Tyndale House Publishers and asked if they would be willing to give away copies of the Jesus Experiment. I was willing to wave all royalties and hoped they would be willing to wave all income from the sale of the book. A few days later I got word that from April 14-20 online book stores will be giving away Kindle versions of the Jesus Experiment.

If you’ve got a smart phone, computer or Kindle you can download the book at no charge. Of the 21 books I’ve written or collaborated on, this is my favorite. Living the experiment has changed my life and continues to do so. I hope you’ll take advantage of this give-away and urge everyone you know to download a copy and live the experiment.

As more and more people align with the thoughts, feelings, words and deeds of Jesus the more his life and power will transform them. Jesus said, “I came that they might have live, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). The purpose of the Jesus Experiment is to allow people to test the validity of that promise and discover for themselves if Jesus gives an overflowing and joyful life.

Please pray about this. Ask God to allow those who read the book to experience the life of Jesus as never before.

You can access the Kindle version of the Jesus Experiment here, and remember, it will be available for free from April 14-20.

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