I’ve got to admit, I’m nervous. Not a frightened kind of nervous. But an excited kind of nervous. Like a kid before the first day of school. Or, an athlete before a championship game. The good kind of nervous.

You would be too, I think. After all, on Saturday morning a project I’ve been working on for a year will go live. A book that’s transformed my relationship with Christ will be unveiled. You see why I’m nervous. Right?

I mean, I hope everyone else sees the value of this unique, unlike any other, version of the story of Jesus. So I’m nervous. But I’m also curious. Curious to see what God will do.

Here’s the deal. Kickstarter isn’t a website, like Amazon.com, where people buy things that are shipped right away. It’s a place where dreamers post a video showing people what could be. And people who like the dream invest money to make the dream come true. My dream is to publish The Jesus Story so people can read the blended story of Jesus like they would read a novel.

I’m sure you’re not nervous. No reason to be.

But I hope you’re curious. Curious enough to go to kickstarter.com this Saturday and enter The Jesus Story into the “Search for Projects” window, and then check out the video and the rewards and other information (I’ll send a reminder email with a link on Saturday morning). And then I hope you’ll help me publish the book by buying a copy and telling your friends.

We’ve got 30 days to sell 1,000 books. If we do that, the book will be published and you’ll get your copy. If we don’t, the book won’t be published and your money will be refunded. I hope that together, by God’s grace, we make this dream come true.

I’m nervous. And excited. And curious.

“The Jesus Story” Trailer 2 from The Jesus Story on Vimeo.

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