Break. Smash. Shatter the Cycle. Jesus told us to ask God to “Lead us not into temptation” (Matthew 6:13). The Lord didn’t mean that unless we asked him not to do so, God would..
Why Weiner Did it Again and Again and Again What would prompt an ex-congressman to do the same stupid thing over and over and over again? You would think after stories and pictures about his..
How to Respond When You Plans are Delayed Immediate gratification is a driving force in our lives. We expect pain to go away fast–that’s what aspirin are for. We expect immediate success...
Why Some Mice Swim Longer Nobody, and I mean nobody, makes it through life without encountering discouragement. And how we handle discouragement will dictate not only our..
I’m Tired of Being Bullied I, for one, am tired of being pushed around by a culture that doesn’t give God the time of day. I’m also tired of watching other men passively fade..
Replace Taboos with Openness and Love Have you ever noticed that Jesus never responded to a question by saying, “Now that was the dumbest question I ever heard?” In fact, Jesus invited..
Replacing Meism with Weism Meism says “Me first.” It is the opposite of the weism that says “Team first.” (more…)
You’re the Keeper of Your Heart The great composer Mendelssohn visited a cathedral in Europe that housed one of the most magnificent organs in the world. The German composer..
Removing Gum Out of Someone’s Hair Telling someone how to give a rebuke is a bit like telling him how to get gum out of someone’s hair. No matter how careful he might be, it’s going..
Can You Find Meaning Without God? I once spoke at a large church in Houston … by large I mean one that drew over ten thousand people every week. Afterward, I met with part of the..
Capture a God Moment There’s a question I often avoid. Maybe too often. Sometimes just asking it makes me uncomfortable because it exposes something I don’t like about..
The IRS Scandal and You I’ve had the privilege of being audited by the IRS on three separate occasions. In each instance the auditor found a legitimate mistake an..
Five Keys to Managing Anger James said, “for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.” (James 1:20). God’s anger is always justified and is always expressed..
How to Communicate a Vision Time and again Jesus reminded his disciples that his driving purpose was to seek and save lost people. On the day he called his first disciples..
Would You Have Doubted Jesus? If I had been with the disciples in Gethsemane the night before Jesus was crucified, and been aware he would die the next day, I would have..
The Power of Delayed Gratification We’re taught to travel fast and light. On the freeway we drive in the fast lane. If we want something we’re told to, “Go for it!” Or, “Just do..
Jesus Repeated One Word Ten Times Jesus’ words and deeds on the night of the Last Supper were focused on helping the disciples grasp a truth as revolutionary as the first use of an..
I’ve Never Done this Before! I’ve done a lot of things in my life but I’ve never done this before. After watching the History Channel’s documentary The Bible I was deeply..
I Saw Her Naked! Here’s another look inside my new book … The evening I first saw my wife naked, I beheld heaven. Nothing in creation compared with the wonder of..
Take a Peek Inside Today I’ll give you a peek inside Why Naked Women Look so Good. Available in digital format for $4.99. (more…)
On Sale Now – “Why Naked Women Look so Good” The digital version of “Why Naked Women Look So Good” went on sale at last Saturday for $4.99. I want to thank all of you who..
Buy Into Two Truths! Dwight D. Eisenhower defined leadership as, “the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.” If you..
Talk About Selfish! Marriage not only brought me face to face with the girl of my dreams, it brought me face to face with my own selfishness. Sure, I knew I was..
Stay Where You Are! All of us periodically suffer from the myth of the greener grass. Haven’t there been times in your life when you thought things looked better on..
He Slammed His Fist on My Desk! Jesus struck at the root of pride with a sharp ax. He said, “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to..