Am I dying? I’m not. That is, I’m not dying. But I can worry like a man waiting for a doc’s fatal diagnosis. And yet, I’m an amateur worrier compared to a..
When you go for it, and things don’t go We’re taught to travel fast and light. On the freeway we drive in the fast lane. If we want something we’re told to, “Go for it!” Immediate..
Is Jesus Really Superman? Of course, it would be easy to think we could no more follow Jesus’ example than we could follow the example of Superman. After all, Jesus was..
What a ride! I’ve always loved roller coasters. My favorite car is the first one. From that perspective you see nothing but track and blue sky when you reach..
Hold up my hands, please! You would never expect a battle to be won because a man, standing on a hill, held up his hands. And yet, that’s what happened when the Jews fought..
I can’t do this without you I’ve never needed the partnership of friends more than now. I’ve worked for a year to bring The Jesus Story to a place where it’s ready to be..
I’m nervous and curious I’ve got to admit, I’m nervous. Not a frightened kind of nervous. But an excited kind of nervous. Like a kid before the first day of school. Or, an..
COUNTDOWN: 8 days to launch Several years ago I realized I didn’t know Jesus very well. This insight surprised me. After all, I had been his follower for four decades, taught..
The Countdown Begins—15 Days Till Launch Never in the history of Christianity has the story of Jesus been told as it will be told on August 1, 2015. Here’s the backstory. After reading it,..
Give This to Your Friends Prompted by the Spirit of God and a desire to talk, I pick up the phone and call a close friend. The moment he answers the tone of his voice tells..
If You Were Dying In a tiny, 20-by-50-foot air pocket, 24 stories below the ground—nine miners huddled in frigid water—praying for their lives. In a cavern so dark..
How to Create Momentum I’ve always been fascinated by trains. I used to lay in bed at night, before falling asleep, and imagine climbing into a freight car and traveling..
Something God Never Did I used to ask God to show himself to me. He never did. I can’t help but think my faith would be stronger if an angel, or angels, appeared to me as..
He Slammed His Fist Down One day a man sat across from my desk and accused me of insensitivity. Not a novel observation. In the past my mother, father, wife, children, best..
One Word That Changed My View I’m not sure why Jesus brought Peter, James and John into the garden of Gethsemane with him. Did he hope, like disciplined sentries, they would..
A Problem We Minimize Marriage not only brought me face to face with the girl of my dreams, it brought me face to face with my own selfishness. Sure, I knew I was..
Two keys to bring about change Bringing about change is tough because people tend to polarize around a position and feel they have to be right all the time. Rather than fighting..
A Lesson From Sherlock Holmes If you’re leading a person or organization into change, never forget that some people want things done today as they have been in the past. Nobody..
I Did A Few Things Right! I have a friend who is dying. I’ve known Stan Giles since 1977 when we worked together at a church in Houston, Texas. He has brain cancer and every..
To Bring Change Do This I recently got into a conversation with a pastor about how to best facilitate change in a church. He wanted to know how to stop a tradition that..
What Happened to “Normal?” In the past change was a slow process, like the gradual eroding of the shoreline. When a cycle of change was completed, things settled down to..
What Jesus Do You Listen To? Last month I read through the four Gospels and looked for instances where Jesus referred to his death and resurrection. As I did, I found myself..
Facing What You Fear Had you sat next to Jesus in Gethsemane, knowing what he would face the next day, you probably would have concluded he wasn’t up to the task. If..
What Would You Do With This Woman? Even though most women have been hurt by men at some time in their lives, efforts are made in our culture to protect the rights of women. Such..